Our Programs

Infant Care

(Ages 3-18 Months Old)


The Rainbow School Infant Program provides varied and flexible opportunities for socialization, play, creative and learning experiences as well as feedings, rest and quiet times. Our goal is to nurture each child’s growth and development; to encourage a positive self concept, and to develop each child’s trust. Rainbow School welcomes and encourages parental involvement in school activities.


Rainbow School has expansive classrooms and playgrounds. The Infant room contains furnishings, toys and materials carefully selected with very young children in mind. The safe & durable playground equipment provides ample opportunities for outdoor exploration.
Schedule Varies According to Each Child’s Individual Needs

• 7:30-9:30 Arrival, Health Check & Indoor Exploration

• 9:30-10:00 Snack

• 10:00-11:30 Diaper Changing, Nap, Outdoor Play which includes Sensory/Motor Activities; Indoor Play which Includes Small Motor Activities, Music & Stories

• 11:30-12:00 Lunch Prep

• 12:00-2:00 Diaper Changing & Lunch, Indoor & Outdoor Activities

• 2:00-4:00 Diaper Changing, Nap, Outdoor & Indoor Activities (See 10:00 am)

• 4:00-4:30 Snack

• 4:30-5:30 Indoor Play & activities, Music & Stories

Toddler Care

(Ages 18-30 Months Old)


The Rainbow School Toddler Program offers a safe, warm and enriching environment where children develop auditory, visual, tactile, and manipulative skills as well as a positive sense of self. The Toddlers also begin to experience more social, cognitive, physical, and learning skills in preparation for transition into pre-school.

Our program provides varied and flexible opportunities for socialization, large motor play, creative and learning experiences as well as snacks, rest and quiet times. Our goal is to nurture each child’s growth and development; to encourage a positive self concept, and to develop each child’s trust. Rainbow School welcomes and encourages parental involvement in school activities.

As a transition between infant care and pre-school, our toddler program also aims to prepare each child for the pre-school experience by emphasizing independent learning through discovery, participation and interaction with others. Learning areas include: music, cooking, science, language, small & large motor activities.


Rainbow School has expansive classrooms and playgrounds. Our spacious rooms contain furnishings and materials carefully selected with young children in mind. The safe & durable playground equipment provides ample opportunities for outdoor exploration.


A mid-morning & mid-afternoon snack are served. Children bring a sack lunch. A beverage is provided.
Schedule Varies According to Each Child’s Individual Needs

• 7:30-9:30 Arrival, Health Check & Indoor Exploration

• 9:15-10:00 Songs, Stories & Snack Prep

• 9:30-10:00 Snack

• 10:00-10:30 Diapers & Manipulatives

• 10:30-11:15 Indoor Play which includes Art, Science, Music & Dance. Outdoor Play which includes Sensory, Large Motor Activities, Sand Play and Nature Exploration

• 11:15-12:00 Lunch Prep

• 12:00-12:30 Diapers & Stories – Nap Prep (12:30 Pickup for Half Day Students)

• 12:30-3:15 Naptime & Activities for Early Risers

• 3:15-3:45 Diapers, Snack Prep & Snack Time

• 3:45-4:30 Indoor & Outdoor Play, Art, Science & Games

• 4:30-4:45 Diapers

• 4:45-5:30 Stories, Songs, Activities & Cleanup Time before Pickup


(Ages 2-4 Years Old)


Our child-oriented Pre-School Program emphasizes independent learning through discovery, participation and interaction with others. Learning areas include creative movement, dance, art, music, cooking, science, self-image, puppetry, drama, language, and community awareness through field trips. Our goal is to instill within each child a desire to take an active role in learning about the world around him/her while enjoying an appreciation of daily living. Rainbow School welcomes and encourages parental involvement in school activities.


Rainbow School has expansive classrooms and playgrounds. Our spacious rooms contain furnishings and materials carefully selected with young children in mind. The safe and durable playground equipment provides ample opportunities for outdoor exploration.


A mid-morning & mid-afternoon snack is served. Children bring a sack lunch. A beverage is provided.
Schedule Varies According to Each Child’s Individual Needs

• 7:30-9:00 Arrival, Health Check, Exploration and use of Inside Interest Centers, Building Blocks, Cars & trucks, Table Games, Playhouse & Outdoor Activities

• 9:00-10:15 (1st Group) 10:15-11:30 (2nd Group) Group time consists of two time periods. This is a structured learning time in which each group teacher is responsible for presenting activities that meet the needs and interests of the children and follow a natural progression of skills. Snack is served during the second group time. A variety of activities are offered to the children, such as, art, puppetry, sand play, stories, play dough, creative movement, and music activities. At the end of group time, each group teacher gathers the children for songs, music, and stories

• 11:30-12:30 Lunch Prep & Lunch (12:30 Pickup for Half Day Students; Activities for Full Day Students)

• 12:30-1:00 Nap Prep

• 1:00-3:00 Nap Time (Non-Sleepers Get Up Around 2:30 for Outdoor Activities & Large Motor Games)

• 3:30-4:30 Snack, Group Time (Same as 9:00am)

• 4:30-5:00 Circle Time: Songs, Music, Flannel Board Stories & Large Motor Games

• 5:00-5:30 Large and Small Motor Games, Stories, Sand Play, Table Games & Departure


(Ages 4-6 Years Old)


The Pre-Kindergarten Program is designed to be a transition between Pre-School and Kindergarten. The Pre-Kindergarten curriculum involves a multisensory approach to the alphabet and number concepts and includes the following goals: developing language skills, teaching sound-symbol associations, and developing thinking skills in an orderly sequence. Learning areas include computers, science exploration, cooking, art, music, drama, large motor activities, and community awareness. Our aim is to help each child develop positive skills in the areas of self concept, expression of their feelings, and self-control. Rainbow School welcomes parental involvement in school activities.


Rainbow School has expansive classrooms and playgrounds. Our Pre-Kindergarten rooms contain furnishings and materials carefully selected with young children in mind. The safe and durable playground equipment provides ample opportunities for outdoor exploration.


A mid-morning & mid-afternoon snack is served. Children bring a sack lunch. A beverage is provided.
Schedule Varies According to Each Child’s Individual Needs

• 7:30-9:15 Arrival, Health Check, Exploration and use of Inside Interest Centers, Art, Computers & Free Play

• 9:15-9:45 Large Group Time (Story, Calendar, Language & Counting)

• 9:45-10:45 Morning Snack, Outside Activities & large Motor Skills

• 10:45-11:45 Small group Time (Numbers, Letters, Science, Music & Etc)

• 11:45-12:30 Lunch and Prepare for Rest of Time (12:30 Pickup for Half Day Students)

• 12:30-2:45 Rest Time

• 2:45-3:00 Wake-up Time, Activities and Snack Prep

• 3:00-3:15 Afternoon Snack

• 3:15-4:30 Group Time: Large group Actives, Dance, Stories, Sharing, Music, Flannel Board Board Stories, Indoor/Outdoor Activities that Encourage Cooperative Play

• 4:30-5:30 Table Activities: Small Motor, Art & Table Games, Stories & Departure

After School Care

(Kindergarten & 1st-6th Grade)


Our child-oriented program encourages your child’s growth towards healthy independence by offering a variety of activities. Areas of interest include: arts and crafts, sports, block building, science, table games, and dramatic play. Our aim is to help each child develop positive skills in the areas of self concept, expression of their feelings, and self-control. Rainbow school welcomes parental involvement in school activities.


Rainbow School has expansive classrooms and playgrounds. The After School rooms contain furnishings, toys, and materials carefully selected with school age children in mind. The safe and durable playground equipment provides ample opportunities for outdoor exploration.


A mid afternoon snack is provided daily. Snacks may include crackers & cheese, bagels & cream cheese, apples & cheese, and seasonal fruits.
• 1:45-2:00 Arrival & Health Check

• 2:00-2:30 Quiet Time & Stories

• 2:30-3:00 Snack

• 3:00-3:30 Indoor games which include a variety of Manipulatives and Dramatic Play

• 3:30-4:30 Outdoor Large Motor Activities & Season Arts and Crafts

• 4:30-5:30 Indoor & Outdoor Play & Activities

Activities Include but are not Limited to:
Seasonal Arts & Crafts, Poetry, Puzzels, Word Games, Painting, Group Games and Nature Art
• 2:45-3:45 Arrival, Snack & Indoor Activities

• 3:45-4:30 Indoor & Outdoor Group Activity

• 4:30-5:30Homework, Reading, Board Games & Art Table

Activities Include but are not Limited to: Seasonal Arts & Crafts, Puzzels, Word Games, Drawing, Math Games, Handball, Dramatic Play, Nature Art, Poetry, Cooking & Painting